i'm very happy to be working on wastelandia! i am excited for you guys to see it eventually... i am growing very attached to the characters as i draw them https://t.co/52ykB9hMrH

18 379

*hq warning SPOILER

dengan sifat noya yang supel dan asik, pas petualangannya mas noya sampe ke brazil, italia, rusia, argentina, polandia, dan perancis kira-kira dia bakal meet up sama hinata, kageyama, yaku, oikawa, ushijima, dan tendou ga ya? 🤔

3 90

Groenlandia es una nación constituyente parte del reino de este país. ¿De que país se trata? Opciones: 👍 Noruega 🇳🇴 👏 Finlandia 🇫🇮 ❤️ Dinamarca 🇩🇰


0 1

Bad News - morlacos
Pepelandia Series 1, Card 1
60/69 eds.

Can find it in https://t.co/GNsEjYRQk3 💚

5 14

Pepelandia: Series 1

The begin of this history starts with this 4 legendary works by and , after lot of effort and madness its an honor to us anounce that the Pepelandia Directory its real.

link below, enjoy it. https://t.co/g8Tzc4Riiz

29 60

Me pag may naglalandian sa public

72 515

Some cool badges for some awesome people. Likely to be spotted at Furlandia

Characters belong to their respective owners.

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Whoever is doing the covers for The Society of Sirens by is doing the most and why can't I find cover artist credits anywhere

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I have an announcement
Landia is a scrunkly
I love them

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¡Se termina mañana! 🗣️

La temporada de Chuchelandia está a 23 horas de terminarse. ⏲️

Ahorrad créditos para poder desbloquear a Willow el primer día. 👀

Al finalizar la temporada actual, las recompensas del pase de Estación Fantasmal se recogerán automáticamente. 🚉

17 537

"¿Sabías que hay una teoría que dice que Finlandia no existe?
Tiene algo de sentido, un país tan perfecto no puede ser real"

"¿Estuviste visitando esos foros raros otra vez?"

Nathan compartiendo con Byron esa extraña teoría conspirativa que me dio gracia

5 29

Landia uses they/them pronouns not because they’re non-binary but because they’re literally 4 dragons

6 13

abram abram os portões da coitadolandia

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