Karl Landsteiner died in 1943 at the age of 75. were great, but the greatest, the one for which he will go down in and won the 1930 , was the discovery of groups, which took place in 1901.

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Want to be as knowledgeable about as Sterling

Check out 's profile of Karl Landsteiner, the Austrian physician who isolated the polio virus & confirmed the existence of blood types!


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Meet my babies [2/3]
Rhesus (Blood bank gijinka; blue bg) - Landsteiner (Hema gijinka; purple bg) - Bailey (Parasitology gijinka; green bg) - Vince (Virology gijinka; beige bg)

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カール ラントシュタイナー 生誕 148周年
Karl Landsteiner は、オーストリア・ハンガリーの病理学者、血清学者。ABO式血液型を発見...

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