Here’s my completed entry for 🏮#Tartalilanternrite2023 🏮!
Thank you to Mel and the Mods who put in their time and effort to put this free zine together! It was truly a labor of love for 💧🔶

Please check it out!

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I really enjoy doing this 🥺😆
It was fun

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a little n s f w😚💧🔶my part in the zine

Tartaglia had a date with Zhongli at the lantern rite festival. Afterward, they made love in the backyard of their home surrounded by glittering lanterns🏮

hopefully, no one's watching🫣

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My preview for 🏮
Looking forward to seeing the full zine in a few weeks! 🥰

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My work’s preview for the FREE TartaLi Lantern Rite ZINE!
Is it angst? Or is it not? 👁👁

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I know i'm late to this, but why is Xiao so cute during the ending quest of lantern rite!
I just feel like giving him the biggest hug🥺

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I finally finished it
What started as last year's, year of the tiger
Now became year of the rabbit
Happy new year everyone ❤️

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"Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories." (Zhongli)

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When your friend wants to join in on the dinner in Genshin Impact

(more images in thread)

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...but I'M SO GLAD TO SEE XIAO AT THE TOP FLOOR OF WANGSHU INN~! MY LOVE~!🥺💕💕💕 Let's release lanterns together~~🏮✨

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