Lauroe LaVey 👁 He/him
The weight of the world quite literally rests on Lauroe’s shoulders. And he’s been carrying that alone for a long time. He might be exhausted all the time, but he’s doing his best and tries not to let it dampen his sassy, witty nature.

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endorsi lo harus banget apa ngebawa lauroe pake ngejambak gitu😭🤣

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This part of the webtoon cut from the anime makes me sad a little because I loved the characterisation of laure here

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Now Hoh problem...
He is a guy that wanted to help Bam in the beginning because he was "weak". He saw that Bam knew nothing about shinsoo, so he thought that he would fail. If you remember there is only 2 spots for the Wavecontrollers. Lauroe is the Best Seed.(He is the best WC)

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ラウレ 라우뢰 Lauroe

『神之塔 -Tower of God-』第4話「緑の四月」
本日4/22(wen) 24:30~お楽しみに👑

666 2616