
380 4733


Lawine / ラヴィ―ネ

1352 18697


ラヴィ―ネ / Lawine

589 6115

Lawine & Kanne / ラヴィ―ネ と カンネ

114 1376

Lawine & Kanne / ラヴィ―ネ と カンネ

79 1091

Genshin OC Yuki braucht noch Effekte und so ne 🫠

Schneehasen Lawine die mit den Meteor Hammer Bänder dingern getriggert werden und dann gefrieren.
Jetzt also Eis und Schnell colorieren (Und ich hab noch keine Ahnung WIE genau D: )

0 19

Lawine - Snow dragon, ice sorceress, and Gene's mother.

And old character of mine that I really liked, but had a backstory that needed some major revisions.

0 4

frieren whenever kanne and lawine are fighting at chapter 38

0 2

Update to an older character of mine: Lawine, ice mage, snow dragon, mother of Gene.

Been on my mind for a while so I wanted to give her an update. Not just design wise, but also with details to her backstory.

2 23



15 7

A special lunch at Napa Valley Grille for is always a treat because creates a fantastic dish that blows us away. In this case the yummy Lobster Carpaccio with compressed apple, fried capers and micro dill.

13 16

„Schneechaos und Lawinengefahr:
Klimawandel verschärft heikle Wetterlagen“

2 4

판윙영상회 ver. 2
전프레를 공개합니다!!♥

(♬타래로 이어집니다!)

✔일러스트 엽서
👉🏻@ LaWinenETAS 님

✔입장 손목띠
👉🏻@ panwinkyou2033 님

199 199