Inktober & Botober 2021 Day 9 prompt mashup: Tiger Bearllionaire is trying to pressure you to wrestle his client. (2 prompts)

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Inktober & Botober 2021 Day 8 prompt mashup: A flappy spider that looks a lot like an 8-legged cat who likes to wear a watch or six. (3 prompts)

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Inktober & Botober 2021 Day 6 prompt mashup: The spirit of a fricken WHALE with a fricken laser on its head, enjoying a half a cup of milk. (3 prompts)

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Inktober & Botober 2021 Day 1 prompt mashup: The masked skeleton in a hat, on his trusty opossumsaurus, brandishing his crystal banana sword. (5 prompts)

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The 80’s summertime fun continues with a bit of Weekend at Bernie’s Soos Ramirez. (With a lil’ 80’s touch of a painter’s cap and some Santa Monica Hot Dog on a Stick love. Also, check out that Mystery Shack aloha shirt!)

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A little more summer beach fun, with an 80s Miami Vice Fiddleford.

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