Brrrrrr chilly but bright day, stay wrapped up and stay safe 💙

Big encouraging friendly wave and the best of wishes sent to you and yours

Have a fabulous day and let's

( illustration : Josefina Schargorodsky )

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Wishing you and yours strength and a happy swagger for your new day and new week

Remember how much you bring to this world and be proud

Good day to you


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Woke to rain but there's a lovely comforting light coming through

So coffee on, get wrapped up + have a walk I think!

Good to exercise + good for the soul

Whatever the day holds for you + yours, thinking of you + sending a happy wave

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First cuppa of the day , always something to look forward to!

Those little rituals that comfort and put a smile on it!

Let's count them up, we are often luckier than we think

Have a super day


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Sending a festive cheery wave to you and yours

Stay wrapped up and enjoy your day


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Celebrate your new day with a cracking cuppa and smile!

We are always luckier than we think

Much love and happiness to you and yours as always


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