Happy 6th anniversary to
《 밤을 걷는 선비 》 《The Scholar Who Walks The Night 》《夜行书生》
drawing from

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새해 복 많이 받으소~🐮🧧😘

Wish you health, happiness, love & success this year. Happy New Year~
Happy new year to all fans who are celebrating 🐮🐮🎋


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Thank you for sharing🙏

Floofy Fluffy Joongi!!!!!!!!!!! 😅😅😅.

Your fluffy jacket inspired me...🥰

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Jiwon:"I'll like you a lot from here on out
I'll be there for you.."
how beautiful to wake up and see a wonderful artwork❤
Love confession and kiss💋 so cute and beautiful 😍

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this thing is always clinging in my head, so i just try to get it out ,,⁣
i think i know what their gonna do if they actualy meet, kkkkkkk⁣

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flower of evil🥀🔥
if the place of evil has such a flower 🥀😍 i want to go there☝️ ...i want to go...i want to go...🙋‍♀️🙆‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️😚😜😂😂
great edits from

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mood..😁😁😁 after his update 😍
Happy weekend all...🤗🥰 c:logo

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I'm a woman in love ♀️ 🔥❤💋
I think it's obvious! 🤔😉😅😅

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a big heart ❤
a little heart 💓
I have a poor heart and it belongs to you ...
wait✋I'll decorate it 💝 and send it to you 💌📮😉😅😘
from 😘

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