今日左利きの日だったな。あるある絵描きたかった😭 去年投稿したやつ投稿しときます。

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Happy Left-Handers Day from Brandy Cinnamon Wages!

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South Paws, raise your lefty! 🐾
Happy 😻

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Happy International Left Handers Day to all my fellow left handed artists and friends! 😁❤️X

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You wouldn’t think there’s such a thing but it’s International Lefthanders Day!! Besides liking nurungji, he also kinda likes school! And yup, he’s left-handed 🐶 peep his new glasses 🤓

Tag your lefthanded buddy! 💕

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Judging from this scene in Season 1 Episode 13, she can use left hand as well as right hand
For /

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If you are, or have a leftie in your life, might I recommend having a look at https://t.co/s3x5wdqCQb for all your leftie needs! The products on this website have been a godsend on more than one occasion! (2/2)

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The Incans, a civilization of people from South America, highly respected and honoured lefties!​

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👋🏽They've historically been given a bad rep, and even the Latin word for lefthanded is "sinister"!

👋🏽 Today is

👋🏽 Of course, lefthanders are fine people, so put your two hands together for them. Here are some famous lefthanders...

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13 Aug

มีเพียง 10% ของประชากรทั้งหมดในโลกที่ถนัดซ้าย...วันนี้จึงเป็น fun holiday ที่ตั้งขึ้นมาเพื่อให้คนที่ถนัดซ้ายทุกคนรู้สึกว่าตัวเองเป็นคนพิเศษค่ะ 🥰

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In a world dominated by right-handers, celebrate diversity and "International Lefthanders Day" with ANYA'S SECRET SOCIETY by , an immigration story of a left-handed little girl who imagines a secret society of famous left-handed artists: https://t.co/EayL4gXU8J

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How many left left-handed video game characters can you name?

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