Started this a while back & finally finished. Wanted to try watercolor-feel this time. Loved the cast, story, and fights<3

Foo Dogs were so fluffy. I could imagine Shang-chi using a pillow after a long day.

3 10

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Marvel hit the mark with Shang-Chi, the humour in this movie is great, the casting is on point and the characters have great chemistry. The action set pieces are epic and entertaining. I can't wait to see more in the future!

0 1

I'm a xiaty shipper.

But I won't disagree the fact that Xu Siblings surely are hot af 😤💖🔥

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Shang-Chi​ And​ The​ Legend​ of​ The ​Ten​ Rings

6 5

was shang-chi a metaphor for marvel as part of the disney family or just another movie where i found a gay ship that will never be canon?
video essay (not) coming soon (or ever)

0 1

Wenwu is probably the best MCU villian 😈
You might think I’m being biased because I’m asian too… … that’s…plausible :p

3 6

25作目 監督



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