Continuing with my art theme here is Kara and Brainy carameldansen by SaluDigby1 on youtube

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Continuing with my art theme here are Brainy and Kara by the legendary Ramona Fradon

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Continuing with my art theme here are a Silver age and an animated Kara and Brainy both by Hephaise

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Ok I think I have most of the Gawain-ing out of my system...for now...back to our regularly scheduled program...

Continuing my art theme here is Kara and Brainy in an homage to Justice League by

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Continuing with my art theme here is an homage cover of Kara and Brainy fleeing the Time Trapper by Mike Grell

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Continuing with my art theme here is a classic Curt Swan 80s Kara and Brainy and a John Watson homage to that picture featuring 70s Kara and Brainy

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I wasn’t able to access my Supergirl, Braniac sketch today, so I jumped forward. It’s Lightning Lad!

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*to the tune of the Bill Nye theme song*

Brainiac5 & SupermanX

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