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Guys, we’ve failed and got mocked by Leonie. 🥲 https://t.co/1b8U7IXVPo
just a crossover-outfit switch I've wanted to doodle for a long time 🥺 feat. leoniigo & avemygo
two sakis; two wolves; two lovely mascots(x ; two pink moodmakers
Did you knew theres a a secret objective if you only lost female units during chapter 2, you need to escape and if you do it you recover your lost units (no one were hurt), this is a commission
Annette, Ingrid, Bernadetta, Byleth, Edelgard, Leonie and Kostas from Fire Emblem
'Liar Among Lions'
An unknown gear Keyblade with leonine motif.
You have no idea how many people became Napoleonic War Reenactors over just this series. https://t.co/GDcLNhvpRz
Happy Birthday Leony! 🧡
Hope you enjoy your birthday and don’t forget to eat something nice! 🎉🎉🎉
You totally deserve it!
#Leonink https://t.co/Q5ul811da3
It's a day that only comes once a year, so let us celebrate our gasoline-sipping cat, @AdisilaLeony! We wish you a wonderful birthday, and to many more to come! 🎉🎂🎉
Thank you for being a vibrant part of our lives. We wouldn't have it any other way 🫂
Eleonore Prochaska(1785-1813),"die Potsdamer Jeanne d'Arc" #napoleonicwars #Befreiungskriege (1/1)
Smiling Leony chibi 🧡🐈🐟
Thank you for always being awesome and supportive >_<
work—1st Polish Light Cavalry Lancers Colonel Grani #Arknights #アークナイツ #グラニ #Franch #napoleonicwars #KsięstwoWarszawskie (1/1)
Another magazine cover style, Leonie the Castellan. https://t.co/agRgmkG3PX
Cabrón, soy débil ante los castaños de cabello leonino 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Prsk! Selesaai memasak bogel prsk (-leoni mmj karena sdh nda sanggup orz) apakah ada yg mau di tag di katalog cf sender? 🧸🙏🏻
prsk! Halo halo!! Sender lagi buat keychain untuk anak2 dari mmj dan leoni (niigo juga ada nanti!) pre-ordernya nyusul. Wdyt?
prsk! haloo aku mencari temen baru setelah sekian lama menghilangg aku suka wxs banget n leoni!!! aku jg demen tskemu HIHI yg suka wxs n leoni dapet freepass yaa🙌🏻🙌🏻