it seems Noah's fave is the Gay NaraTion and mine's the Lesbian NaraTion hahaha.
But I must admit, drawing the lesbyen is pretty hard because GIRL BAST'S HAIR! OH MY GOD 😭 Dude I almost gave up drawing his actual hair, let alone the girl version 😆😆 but I still love them anyway

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This weeks FRIDAY FAVES! 😍

Tag to be featured 📷

Our Fave's this week:
▪️ daniwilliamsillustration
▪️ fromillwithlove
▪️ loadofbobbins
▪️ reptilesbyclo
* All profiles from Instagram.

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Be kind to others, it costs nothing but means everything. A simple act of kindness can brighten someone's day and change their entire outlook. Spread love and positivity with your words and actions.

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this is by scribblesbymarti on Instagram! i adore this piece, I think it really captures my boy well and I love all the little details incorporated into it.

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Every day we're adding something new to Our latest daily reveal is a new Hazard that will have a huge impact on how you'll build. The Sandstorm circles around the board, threatening to sweep away structures and cover everything in sand!

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Playerboard artwork I did for 🏖️ I had a lot of fun with these (especially drawing the little shoreling interactions! 💖)

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I honestly don’t know which part of my job I love more: art direction or game design. But I can tell you that working with on has been a total joy. Here’s a quick behind-the-scenes look at her design process for the Guard, Princess, and Archer. 🧵 1/3

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“—. ¿Sam te amaba?
Sí. Más de lo que nadie la había amado nunca. La amaba tanto como para arriesgarlo todo, como para renunciar a todo. La amaba tanto que todavía ahora notaba los ecos de su amor.”

🎨: fablesbynouk

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One thing that people often forget about on my Autumn form is my snail friend's name; Sir Reginald Von Bartlesby. For some reason people keep calling him "SnailyMcSnailface".
But my fav part is thighs down on my model! The knife strap, vine details, and my BOOTS!!

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“The book,” Nesta said, a bit breathlessly, “is about …” Her nostrils flared and her eyes went a bit unfocused. “A book.” 🤍

🎨 fablesbynouk

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Happy We're busy working on and we can't help but notice that our pint-sized heroes look a lot like leprechauns... ☘️

Alas, our little shorelings can't just wish their way out of trouble. They'll have to be clever to survive a dangerous world!

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Breaking news
Local Irish pirate was Embraced and turnt into s Vampire, now his sexiness is over 9000 (or that's what he claims)

Roger Walsh entered the game 🩸🥃😏

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spoiler tog:

“- Sam amava você?

Sim. Mais do que qualquer um já a amou. Ele a amava o suficiente para arriscar tudo – para desistir de tudo. Ele a amava tanto que Celaena ainda sentia os ecos daquele amor, mesmo agora.

- Muito – disse ela, com um sussurro."

art: fablesbynouk

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Bardillas is the hottest pirate in Antillas 👌
I want to play again so badly 🥲

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doodle for scribblesbyscales on insta 💫

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The guy who’s name Biden butchered, Tom Inglesby, once wrote an article in Washington Post blasting the NIH for conducting a “secret” review for their gain-of-function research.

I covered this story in April of 2020 from this Newsweek article.

Does he still feel that way?

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The incomparable Patricia Nettlesby, and her charge Mr. Spicy. :)

You can find out more about her in the upcoming episodes with !!

Beautifully rendered by

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