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143 439



29 484

Another misty and atmospheric weekend in the Blue Mountains… just perfect for painting 👌 “The Gorge”, 15X20cm, oil on board.

24 259

“Late Light at Leura Golf Course”, 15X20cm, oil on board.

22 183

...et un pour commencer la journée joyeusement 🌹

...Le baiser sous les fleura, encre et acrylique sur papier calligraphie chinois

2 2

「Fleuranges」星梨花お誕生日おめでとうー 💐🎂🎉

28 75

☀️ Des mots à partager... Ce lundi, démarrons la semaine comme à l'accoutumée : en vous partageant une citation positive. Aujourd'hui, elle est signée par l'artiste (1945-1981).

2 3

There’s nothing quite like mountain streams after rain. With the deluge we had last week all the creeks are full and cascading...
“Upstream”, 45X60cm, oil on board.

15 111

Emphysema diagnosis is not problematic if typical paraseptal or centrilobular types. The former is row of single cysts along pleural surface separated by interlobular septa. The latter is centrilobular in location with central or peripheral dot sign (centrilobular arteries)

19 62

« La vie est un oignon qu'on épluche en pleurant »
Georges-Armand Masson
Nature morte aux oignons

1 4

This was my reference image for the sculptors. We liked the jagged cutting edge & thought it looked quite scary! If there is no fossil known, you have some leeway as to how you reconstruct things, & ants cut through tough plants, so Arthropleura jaws could have looked like this.

5 39

This is Fleura, she’s my cute lil druid babi🌸

Was playing with ai nonsense and it made this cutie✨
Feel free to ask her questions!

2 27


何度ガチャガチャしても星梨花ちゃんだけ出なかったので描いて全員揃ったことにしちゃいました! (数年後に中古で買いました)

6 16

Effleurage. Another art i did for and pair up with 's Geyu fiction. Get give adult adult atmosphere and Yuji's young vibe made perfect combine. Thank you for working with meeeee

20 61

Oh mais pourquoi elle pleurait ? Anna a toujours été là pour Elsa depuis petite ❤️

13 47

Only could doodle one between my hwrk but i love seeing other pink lizzies :D /

22 80