First levis vs recent levis:D

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Gimme Your​ Hands!! 🙌

Zhanghao (my​ OC)
Reya: 's​ OC
Elevis: ​ 's​ OC
Carter​: ​ 's​ OC

Thx​ for​ participation​💕

Compose/Posture Ref in​ the​ mention!

20 26

Illustration of the Day: Loyalties by John Galsworthy (1922)
👨🏼‍🎨 S. Van Abbé
Dancy’s lawyers withdraw from his case against De Levis:
“We can’t go on with the case. There’s duty to our profession. Ours is a fine calling. On the good faith of solicitors a very great deal hangs.”

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