Max Ernst, Dangerous Liaisons (Les Correspondances dangeureuses) from Brunidor Portfolio, No. 1, 1947

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1782 "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos published by Durand Neveu in four volumes. It is seen as depicting the decadence of the French aristocracy shortly before the French Revolution, been described as an amoral story.

4 6

Did you know that has a dedicated Disability Liaison Officer team? To help support people with disability, their families, and carers to access their services. It's pretty fabulous (and we made a pretty fabulous video to help with their work)

0 4

. . On souhaite un Bon Anniversaire à qui a 76 ans Voici mon TOP10 de ses films (Ordre)

Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Liaison Fatale
A Double Tranchant
Les 101 Dalmatiens
Le Mystère Von Bulow
The Wife

4 23

Gm 🌞

I'm considering empowering GPT-4 with a 0.1 ETH budget to kickstart a unique business with me as the human liaison. 🤖🤝🏼👤

Big shoutout to for sparking this innovative idea! 🚀

Would you be interested in following the journey if I documented it? 🎥📝

18 111

We're looking for volunteers to join our programs team!

Roles we're looking for are:
- Speaker/performer Liaison Volunteer
- Logistics Volunteer
- Stage Volunteer
- A/V Volunteer

DM us if you're interested!

63 40

Je suis donc un ange déchue, j’ai une liaison d’amitiés avec un démon. Voulant me bannir du paradis, je décide de m’enfuir pour conserver mes ailes et mon auréole 😇

0 5

good morning, fam ♡
happy to share with you that 2 new editions of collection “in” are now available on

hearsay - 15 ed. for 3 $XTZ
liaison - 15 ed. for 3 $XTZ

link bellow

8 58

here you can look at my failed liaison officer painting

4 46

Frenzy should be the liaison for Arakko.

To seat in Storm’s Summer QC seat, when Ororo is unavailable to attend. And that was one of the character points for Ororo, she can’t be everywhere at all once.

So she’ll appoint someone who is powerful & can trust.

7 40

I'm curious if all the expressions here are the only one used in the event?? Since the expressions sheet doesn't have the expression used in the event explanation pic, does that mean this expression will be used later aka PLAYABLE LIAISON OFFICER-- <<copium

0 1

liaison officer 💛

138 520

A sponsor liaison at your beck and call
Bring a guest to the Guest of Honor Meet and Greet
A special thank you food your sponsorship in the conbook
Exclusive Guest of honor meet and Greet
Discord Sponsor badge and access to the sponsor channel
6 Autograph vouchers


(5 of 5)

0 3


3 7

新ブランド「Liaison」デビュー作「天瀬島は色恋ざかり」公式サイト OPEN!!!!『アオハルのキラキラを見つけるアドベンチャー』☆

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CEO Kojiro and Assistant/Secretary/Liaison Poseidon :) Of course this isn’t going to go smoothly for Kojiro ;) Story link in the comments

7 68

La suite des *Liaisons Dangereuses*!

Delighted to share my re-loaded iteration!

Thank you & for remaining quite so graceful under pressure. I love this iteration even more & its title was evidently generated just for me!

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