Привет, я Apollignis, я иллюстратор и рисую арты по разным фандомам.😊
(РТ приветствуется)

Hi, I am Apollignis, I am an illustrator and i drawing art for different fandoms. 😊
(RTs appreciated)


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merally calignis !! alex's oc !

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Arafigo y Solignis, los pokémon "arañas de sol"

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Vixcalidus ligniscandite- this forest dwelling creature lives a solitary life, blending in with the flora of Vita c. It’s limbs have adapted in a manner unique to the Vixcalidus family making it a very proficient climber

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Wow, I just realized I never posted my alien girl Vligniss here. Smol version included

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