



20 144

I've been reading this for a month and chapter 8 is the HOTTEST chapter so far! WOW! I'm SPEECHLESS!
Hot and Wet -My Stone-Faced Coworker Is Wild in Bed- [Renta!] https://t.co/lFAR4EC5ll via


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I do love some comedy with my smut! 😊

Hot and Wet -My Stone-Faced Coworker Is Wild in Bed- [Renta!] https://t.co/lFAR4EC5ll via

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Ihr Lieben, nicht verpassen! Ab Juni starten die letzen zwei für die Ich verlose nach jedem Kurs ein Mangapaket, kommt zu uns in die kostenlosen wir würden uns sehr freuen! Der Link: https://t.co/TSyrbvkZom

1 5

"You know Nicolas, my ideal world is one were annoying people like you leave me alone to be." Sheesh, "F" to the chat for Nicolas. But in Nicolas' respect what else could Petros, the quiet kid of the class, be other that a undercover detective?!#mangaka

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アニメ はいかがでしたか?



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大人気作品 ワンダフルデイズ🐶


今なら と合わせて

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LINEマンガアプリで作品を読み終わった最終ページに表示する広告イラスト的なのを描きました。5話からみれます! Kind of advertisement I did to thanks all readers . It pop up at the last page from chapter 5!

5 14

「GORSE」episode 2 at LINEMANGA



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英語版💋A Kiss Is All It Takes [Renta!] https://t.co/zNAy97kaj9  Renta!様にてデイリーランクインしてました☺有難うございます☺💋💕翻訳が細部にまで入ってて感動しました!スマホ画面凄い!そして恭様が「Are you OKAY?」ヒューー💕英語版キスイケも何卒よしなにです💕

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2020.06.27「GORSE」episode 1 at LINEMANGA


謎の新進作家 徳川トモが放つ令和血鬼潭


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How to Train a Crossdressing Boss [Renta!] https://t.co/4ygXXBrHWj より

12 28

Noel stands brave against Michael but we all know his way of solving problems isn't the best. So what do you think. How will Michael react to this?

Read: https://t.co/2jgrTRKyHp

You can also get the printed Manga Book untill 20/31/3
Onlinemanga: https://t.co/WLBtNqm7Ht

0 2

Well yes, Michael is gone wild I guess and it looks like he is showing is real face. If you want to read the whole story you can do this here
Onlinemanga: https://t.co/WLBtNqm7Ht

You can also get the printed Manga Book untill 20/31/3
Onlinemanga: https://t.co/WLBtNqm7Ht

1 1

2019年のRenta!で年間ランキング3位を獲得したBL漫画「寡黙な親友がただのムッツリでした」が、英語版Renta!にて配信開始💪(^ω^💪)<We are the world❤️
My Quiet Best Friend's Just Tongue-Tied [Renta!] https://t.co/BiZYB0a420 さんから

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