HAPPPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!!!!! (a bit late but oh well!!) 🧧🐇
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Neon might've had a tan after but in the LNY22 pictures before the beach episode, you can tell her skin tone is morena compared to Sage & Jett

In the LNY23 1st day + Vietnam detour (today) it's easier to tell everyone's skin tone compared to LNY23 day 2, where their tones match

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I did notice that, just this white soft brush that blew out Neon's midtones (with red lips too). At the time I was like "ok, maybe it won't happen again" then it was okay Salvador Day 3 and it seemed fine!

Then LNY23 Day 2 happened, and it's so much harder to excuse, so I won't

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