So like…one of my very first drawings from 10+ years ago, two drawings from 2022 (beginning of last year) and something very recent!!

I should mention drawing became my hobby in 2021 (during lockdown!) but I started taking it seriously last year!!

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Made another '12 days of Christmas' drawing for an easy Sunday sketch! I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday (with access to loo roll over this second lockdown!) 😉

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Aaaaaaah they look utterly amazing! Squashy and Pumpy have been recreated perfectly ^_^ What an honour! (Pumpy is particularly impressed by how brilliantly defined his six pack is - He's getting a tad chunky over this lockdown!) HAPPY READING to your fangtastic class!

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Know your We can never work out what type our Nigel is: a Little Blue Fairy-Royal hybrid, perhaps?
What do you think?
(We do know, though, that he's the cheeriest member of even in

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