Happy birthday to our dearest idol!! 💖💖💖
I hope im not late 😭

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Happy birthday to my kamioshi, Lofi!
Thank you for being there for me through all of the ups and downs. I'm really so lucky to have you as my genmate, as my oshi, and most importantly, as my friend. I hope we can make even more wonderful memories together! Love you!

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생일 축하해 로피! 선물로 '케이크를 먹은 로피와 커비'를 그렸어요. 맛있는거 먹고 행복한 방송 해주세요!

Happy birthday, Lofi! I drew "Lofi and Kirby who ate cake" as a gift. Eat something delicious and do a happy broadcast!

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Happy Birthday to my amazingly cute Lofi!!!! I hope your birthday is filled with happy memories and thank you for being such an amazing genmate!!

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