✨I Got You✨
Chapter 11 - Page 08
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

Last page for a little bit! Getting married soon, so the comic will be back after that!

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✨A little scene change⁠
Chapter 11 - Page 057⁠
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

3 3

✨ Best place to research magic is the-
Chapter 11 - Page 05
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

2 7

😰 Worrying about him⁠
Chapter 11 - Page 04⁠
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

2 4

🍵 Nothin' a potion can't fix... ⁠
Chapter 11 - Page 03⁠
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠
https://t.co/UD5abfkkmd (link in bio) ⁠

3 4

😰 Ever accidentally get your crush cursed?⁠
Chapter 11 - Page 02
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

3 6

🤨 Trouble Brewin' 🤨 ⁠
Chapter 11 - Page 01⁠
New Rubi Whipple Page is up! ⁠

2 7

✨⁠ Found him! ✨⁠

New Chapter 10 - Page 24 is up!⁠
https://t.co/UD5abfkkmd ⁠✨⁠


Add https://t.co/hEyHnDX4pi

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::skiddddddd:: 💨

New Chapter 10 - Page 22 is up!⁠
https://t.co/UD5abfBVdL ⁠✨⁠


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On my way! 💨

New Chapter 10 - Page 21 is up!⁠
https://t.co/UD5abfkkmd ⁠✨⁠


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😟 Worry worry worry...

New Chapter 10 - Page 20 is up!⁠
https://t.co/UD5abfBVdL ⁠✨⁠


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