Hoje o single I Want You Know está completando 5 anos 😍😍😍❤️🎉

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New art piece of 🖤🖤. I love her new single “Lose You To Love Me” I had to draw this scene from the music video. What do you thinkk??      

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the most beautiful girl in the world!!💕💖😍

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Lover がリリースされた時にセレーナがストーリーを。#LoseYouToLoveMe がリリースされた今、テイラーがストーリーを。お互いの夢を応援しあえる友達、そんな関係性が大好きで尊敬してる。2人ともファン想いで多くの愛を注ぐ人だから通じるものがあるのも分かるなあ。#taylana 💘

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Every era Selena Gomez has ever started, since her breakup with Justin Bieber, she has released the same old boring song about the relationship that has been dead longer than some of her stans have been alive. Imagine how tired we are!

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