# color artist artwork artislife plumperplumperart sexysunday sinfulsunday sketch inkdrawing pose wushu witch dress hair rapunzel rapunzelhair longhair flowinglocks neverending ink inksketch inkart inkartwork gelpen sketchbook gelpenartist christmas story christmasstory storytime storytelling christmastime christmasart storyart christmasmood mrsclaus mrsclauscookies mrsclausmoments nightbeforechristmas twasthenightbefore twasthenightbeforechristmas christmastree colors colorfulart colorful colorfulartwork colorart hold colorpencils colorpencil colorpencilart embrace holdon drawing holdher holdhertight holdherforever holdherup colorchallenge coloringforadults colorartstyle musclebuilding muscleup muscleman musclegain musclebeard muscle muscles muscleart gelpenart gelpenartwork gelpenarts gelpendrawing atlas inks gelpensketch gelpencoloring gelpenstyle titan basketball hegotgame dribble hoops celestial celestialsphere heavens sky sexy sexywomen iliketodrawsexygirls sexybabe sexypose sexyart sinful sinfulcolors sexycolors style itsplaytime sexysketch playtime shangtsung sorcerer soul mortalkombat motalkombat2021 soulsucker awesome kickassmovie fight monk fatality flawlessvictory yoursoulismine soultaker deadly outworld boss dangerous starwars may4th starwarsday starwarsart starwarsartwork blast blaster hansolo hanshotfirst may4thbewithyou hansoloart warrior deadliestwarrior spacesaga starwarsfanart hansoloblaster alien alienscum cantbestopped mileena sai mortalkombatmovie amazing evil eviltwin teeth clone assassin mkmileena pencils art latina latinagoddess mexicangoddess seductive alluring mesmorizing thicc thiccgoddess workingonart handfull

A little different take on test subject from one of her shoots with Jeff’s models

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Wanted to try playing around with a different brush on my drawing app and couldn’t think of a better test subject than from one of her shoots with Jeff’s models

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