🌇Bowie・Unfathomable Warmth🌇
1. Card Story x 2
2. CG x 1

🌇Homepage background - 【At Sunset】will also be released
Spend an afternoon with your loved one at lovely sunset!

2021 is about to end...
At 2022, let's work hard with as well🥰

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LoveTodo, A romantic and productive journey

Title: LoveTodo
By: Minus40 inc.
Languages: English, Chinese
Website: https://t.co/wBFe3gljtx
Twitter: https://t.co/H8wxiZS3yT

iOS: https://t.co/yMzXNU6svP
Android: https://t.co/CXTssMODMb

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I'm the only one who knows your secret look ----

Collect romantic stories and CGs in LoveTodo.

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or or never know what to call it but 😊 btw i know there are a couple of million artist who outdraw me. not full of myself just having fun 😁

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Ever wondered what would happen if Olaf & Pascal were to meet? LoveToDoodle. https://t.co/zQnMFjH0me

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