Selalu berikhtiar dan berdoa, mendoakan yg baik2 untuk semua UMKM sukses berkah aamiinn, doa yg baik akan baik bagi kita

Bismillaah prmisi kk titip jasa desain, hr ni moga2 bnyk yg order art, Smg kta smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin

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making more art for Magnor cards one was the first time i think i ever succeeded at a low angle perspective, the other one is a silly vitruvian magnor.

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I realized I messed up the upload of my last piece and it got cropped, here's the Re-upload of the full image

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FrostBut skin.
We all miss the old Frost skin but at least this time Irelia didn't get nerfed in her model.

Practicing angles and I still dont know how to background D:

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C'mon and show those avocados 🥑🥑 😜 Horses are meant to walk around naked on the beach! Visit the original or Like&RT 😁#jaleoart

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