Wearing one of Massimo’s hats, but with a blue fish pin!

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I’d normally not do fan art but has touched a string. I miss the Mediterranean Sea and holidays too much. Also the going on Twitter is fantastic. Seeing all the sketches and ideas of the Luca team is very inspiring.

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Unrelated to the end of the movie BUT Zaruhi Galstyan did some fun concepts very early on in dev. This guy used to be called Signor Gamberetto (Mr. Shrimp) I love him

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Boarding this scene made me sad. did an amazing job writing this scene and the animators/light/comp/production killed it.

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The lighting during this scene!!! Such a heartbreaking, punch in the gut moment…. but boy, does it look good…..

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Un dato interesantoso: En un principio se pensó que Ciccio sea un monstruo marino amigo de Luca y Alberto, pero finalmente se decidió que sea uno de los matones de Ércole 🐡

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Ciccio used to be much younger and was Luca and Alberto’s friend. Here’s what he used to look like as a sea monster- blowfish inspired. We cut the part and decided to reuse Ciccio as Ercole’s goon. After sizing him up a bit!

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I love how Don Shank made this model to start stylizing our architecture.

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Don’s paper model inspired Josh West to caricature the town model further

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Here’s a fun detail: notice the kitchen photos behind Massimo. Bit of a family portrait wall designed by Josh Holtsclaw. Bottom are his mamma and papa Marcovaldo

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Macchiavelli was designed by Maria Yi. What more is there to say?!? Massimo in cat form. Shout out to Nicolle Castro in story who did hilarious drawings of him

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Chris Sasaki was one of the first artists on in dev, and he captured the conflict and humor of this situation so well - it carried through to the final Massimo dinner scene

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The hilarious fountain, designed by Noah Klocek

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Santa Mozzarella, it’s Giulia! Design by Deanna Marsigliese, sculpt by Greg Dykstra, color and shading by Jennifer Chang

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Luca daydreaming on a Vespa, that can take him anywhere ⭐️ (storyboard panel)

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Luca and Alberto meet! Deanna Marsigliese had so much fun drawing the 2 boys becoming friends, especially with the whole misunderstanding of human objects

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