I won't be pulling for luchen's birthday but gotta admit those floofy little 🐼🐼🐼 are hard to resist...😤

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Personally this fking game has the best artstyle (to me) but I don't like playing oto/me games a lot

UEGHHH Luchen's one is SO HOT

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Hola mis bolitas!!

Otro día mas, la vida no es facil y nos pasan muchas cosas pero luchen por ustedes por no perderse, porqué lo importante es que nosotros nos amemos.

Beban mucha awita💜

2 15

Saint Wenz, pavluchenko - Холод

"Этот холод прожигает мою плоть
Я навряд ли смогу его побороть
С этим холодом я не смогу заснуть
Он разрывает, разрывает мою грудь..."

1 3

Varka se considera más fuerte que Capitano y quizás luchen a futuro.

Caballeros de Mondstadt/Jean:
Varka le Gana

Tartaglia fan de Capitano:
Capitano le Gana

210 3413

Sobrinos siempre luchen por sus sueños.... ¡No te rindas! 😈

1 2

Iiiiich überlege ob ich Genshin Impact nochmal eine Chance geben soll x w x🌿

I mean.... es gibt schon so ein Paar boyes die absolut L O V E sind. HNNNNNN.🌺

Keine Ahnung, würdet ihr euch Genshin-Streams von einem Schimpfenden, Fluchenden Noob angucken wollen? XD ✨

0 16

For All Time - Dreaming of Heianjing (For All Time x Onmyoji )

Destiny is bound to another world, dreams meet, and you can see all kinds of scenery in the floating world.

Alkaid / Luchen
🇨🇳 : Zhao Lu (赵路)
🇯🇵 : Tachibana Shinnosuke (立花 慎之介)

7 23

// gun
“Tell us, Luigi Lucheni, why did you kill her?”
“For Death. And for Love.”
“What do you mean?”
“Death loved Elizabeth as she did him. They had never been apart before, and now they never will.”

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Happy birthday to my forever shining star.

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: Alkaid - Planetarium

2022 (LuChen) Alkaid’s Birthday

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, he once discovered the brilliant rays of light spanning hundreds of millions of light-years.

“In my eyes, he is a miracle that surpasses everything in the world."

6 24

La paz no se te regala, es un privilegio solo de quienes luchen por ella

-Gundam Wing, Endless waltz

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时空中的绘旅人 X COMICUP

《丹青》series of merch for COMICUP last year! How does Lu Chen look like a god 😭 Ai Yin just looks so good and Luo Xia looks like effing royalty 😭 (Pt. 2)

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时空中的绘旅人 X COMICUP

《未来乐队系列》series of merch! Featuring Lu Chen as the main vocalist 🎤 Ai Yin with 🎹 and Luo Xia with 🎸(Pt. 2)


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Neues Tablet. Tatsächlich fast ohne Fluchen gezeichnet, wow 😃 Gefällt mir gut.
Jetzt noch Überblick behalten und Farbe im Ganzen betrachten lernen.

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A todas esas que hacen y van a hacer Ciencia:

Ocupen más espacio, hablen fuerte, luchen por sus sueños, lean, estudien, superen a su yo del pasado cada día y no se dejen 💜 Las quiero y admiro

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Now it is your turn.

This is the drawing I drew for the Weibo fans in the lottery.

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