Да, опять переплет;)

Мне не хочется заканчивать картинку, поэтому чуть-чуть подредактировала и привела в более менее нормальное состояние, кароче решила не вылизывать

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x (#TheBinding) charm design.
I did the sketch of this pic some time ago and I thought that it would be a very cute charm.... I know that The Binding book has not a big fandom, but I CAN'T HELP IT I love this two too much and I want a charm of them 😭

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Full Color request for the month of September on my patreon: and from Book. When I saw that an employer asked me for something from Emmett and Lucian I was super happy, because I adore them, I adore the book and everyone should read it!!

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