FELINE Black hair flows like silk, Green eyes bright like emeralds shine, Feline grace abounds.
DON’T GET PINCHED: Change the color to green. Programs: 1) 2)

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FAIRY LIGHTS Amidst the dark woods, An elf adorned with magic lights, Radiant beauty. SWEET 16: Change the gender of the subject.
Programs: (1-3), (OG)

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Crystal palace gleams,
Atop the river it stands,
Eternal splendor.

15 CRYSTAL: Make an image crystalline.
Program: Midjourney v4

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14 TEMPERANCE: Change a little as possible. The original image (2) is from a series created for a story about a lonely woman named Adelaide. I already have them all arranged in a video with narration, but maybe I’ll reroll them!

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MORE strong women for

7 & 8: LUCKY 7 & SQUARE PAIR - Change 7 words in the prompt. Change the aspect ratio to/from square. (1-3) Result (4) OG (5) Challenge

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Strong women for
7 & 8: LUCKY 7 & SQUARE PAIR - Change 7 words. Change the aspect ratio. (1 & 2) Result (3) OG (4) Challenge. Programs: v4 (1 & 2), Midjourney v3 (3);

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