I also wanted to do a tribute to the very artist that inspired me to draw in the first place: lulu999

I wish I could thank her personally but she unfortunately left the internet 😭

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doodle of lulu999's mangle design _(:o 」∠)_

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oh and this is from today, it's a contest submission
my tablet was broken so i drew this with my mouse and a touchscreen monitor

hee hoo tag spam

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I just can't get out of my head Lulu-999 and Pole-bear, so I started to investigate what happened, but there isn't much on the web, and less about Pole-bear. If someone remembers what happened please tell me! 🙏😔

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Without the effects n lines. I kinda enjoyed drawing Phantom Mangle, I'm too used to drawing Pole-Bear's n Lulu999's designs so I kinda wanted to make one but I ended up mashing up their designs + another design I remember seeing together ^^;

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Bueno, me gustaron como quedaron xd use los colores originales de los diseños, no quería cambiar mucho. (Ya era suficiente cambio por mi estilo de dibujo)

Los diseños son de la señorita lulu999
(me olvide de hacer al Shadow Bonnie ahora que lo pienso jajaj luego lo hago xd)

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💕🐰😄Catch you😄🐺💕By:lulu999🎀

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estos son de lulu999
Los de Kwan estan los bocetos porque creo que borró sus dibujos

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