Luminous Avenger iX 2 - Dacite

I wanted to draw Ypsilon next but I couldn't figure out what to do with him for now.
Dacite though.... I already wanted to do an Obari punch at the start. XD

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Luminous Avenger iX 2 is out today! xd
Lola from two years ago~

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Copen (Luminous Avenger iX)

Excited for the release of Legends: Arceus but not as much as LaiX2 tomorrow.

Also spoilers for a 3 year old game that you probably should have played by now. XD

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"No matter how dark the rain clouds get... Rain always end"

A small cheering pic for a friend.


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Today, but two years ago, I did created Alcyone, an original character for ASG/LAiX base stories... So technically, today is her birthday

I really like her concept and personal story... And, to be honest, she just started has an alt look of Helen lol

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"You shouldn't drink more, Alcyone... Is bad for your health..."

"Shut up, Kisuke! Everything is your fault! *hic*"

If you guys drink, please don't do it till get drunk.


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Remember to eat well and balanced, and eat your greens.

Bella belongs to a good friend.


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"Look here, Bella... They're planning for beat the boss"

I really like how this pic come out -w-)**

Bella is the OC of a good friend.

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"Why are you turning your back on your past? Whare are you attempting to fulfill? Are you... forging an Uncertain Future?"

The last year I did made a certain drawing... This the other way around.

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I did made these "bookmarkers" because I was testing my color pencils (In that moment).

Probably will make Kirin soon... Probably...

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Merry Christmas from Lola and I! ❤️🎁
- this was my illustration for the Secret Santa I was apart of, I got to draw for 🎁 I definitely recommend checking out their artwork as well!

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