장월진명 웨이보❤️‍🔥

신역에서는 선과를 낳고, 인간에서는 불꽃놀이를 하며, 마역에서는 불멸의 염원을 품는다. 불씨가 삼계일지라도 마음에 부끄럽지 않다면 마음으로 바르게 하라.

4 4

The Gods x The Humans x The Immortals

57 169

starring Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu is 🍉 tentatively scheduled to air this April 6 for a total of 40 episodes! 😍


63 289

from series
character role by
Cr. : Weibo -maoning

7 18

from series
character role by
Cr. : Weibo @如果哆啦没有梦a

3 21

Fan art and
character role by
Cr. : Weibo @全网唯一天帝玉大婚玉cpf

12 32

Youku's four upcoming winter dramas:

Love When the Stars Fall and
Till the End of the Moon and
The Legend of Anle and
Back From the Brink and

56 186

I really wanted to draw something winter~

70 412

happy12th anniversary Xixi!


都道天帝陛下情伤所累, 太上忘情,他只是心怀大爱; 芸芸众生,皆得其宜。
倾其一生为六界安定谋福。文韬武略,运筹帷幄,终,六界一统。功莫大焉, 利在万代。


🈲️ 商用/二改, 不要消水印

29 57

🍉 The big heroine drama "权宠悍妻"
Starring: and

14 28

Last year i drew this fanart for Yunxi ge birthday
Now i change background a little bit

0 3

And BL Xianxia Drama Is Now Set To Have 58 Episodes With A October Premiere


813 1926


4 16