Cyberkomon finally has an Ultimate in CyberLynxmon! The Name still could change tho.

Not sure what to do with the Mega tho. I might just commission someone to design it for me since Megas are Hard xD

Hope you guys like it!

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A holy beast digimon that usually stands guard around temples, with its perfect vision it scans the surroundings to launch preemptive attacks instead of waiting for the dangers to get too close.

collab with , such an honor!

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BetelGammamon vs Piedmon Circus Troupe. He was brave and poweful as always. FlameWizardmon and Lynxmon were also cool. Ruli was the star of that story but my attention was more on digimons than on her. :3

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It's international cat day and I am still playing Digimon Survive, so have some reposts of my buff martial arts cat OC. (And a what-if evo of her as Lynxmon for funzies.)

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Buenos días, tamers de mi vida. Hoy toca día de ya que estos dos digimon de hoy aparecieron en dicha temporada. Hablamos del bestia sagrada del grupo de los Deva, y del bestia un armor.

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¿Recordáis a Lynxmon? ¡Ha vuelto, en forma de digievolución!
Tras ayudar hace tiempo a Turuiemon, hoy recibe la ayuda de Siesarmon para convertirse en el Deva del cerdo, Vikaralamon 🐗

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En el hospital y de noche, e inexplicablemente necesitando la ayuda de un Lynxmon salvaje, se ha hecho justicia. El Turuiemon de ha digievolucionado en el Deva del Conejo, ¡Antylamon! 🐰

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Lynxmon has chosen you as their Digi Destined!

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Digievolucionó anoche, pero era tarde, así que lo subimos ahora. Lynxmon se convierte en el líder estratégico de los Devas, el más desconfiado de los humanos: La rata, ¡Khumbiramon!

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Renamon digievoluciona en... ¡Lynxmon! consigue al único Armor (de fuerza Adulta) de las DIM Cards de y precisamente es al que se enfrentó Renamon en un sueño de Takato 🔥

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For me, Lynxmon is set in stone as an Adult, since it is a rival for Garurumon, and it has that Deva connection with Mihiramon, nonetheless, Tailmon's Armor are kinda difficult since it's an Adult using Armor evolution... all of them could easily be Perfects.

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round 2: less common/not really ever in the anime faves and also Pagumon because i adore him
Wisemon, Lynxmon, Clockmon, Best Boi

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KaiserLeomon, Valdurmon, Lynxmon, Maildramon!

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