29-30. Adventure & From the Stars

Milletians are from the stars, and have plenty of their own adventures from previous worlds and even more in Erinn! What kind of journeys has your Milletian gone on?

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28. Gods
Opposites attract right?

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23. Guild/Family
What an sweet little family! I adore them!

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11. Favourite Food!
In all honesty, Seren's favourite food is anything her family cooks!

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9. Homestead
A magical resting spot hidden away!

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6. Squire!
Introducing this cutie, Cet!

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Lets Start our Thread here!
1. New Beginnings! I thought I'd start here, and redraw one of the first pictures I ever did of my mabinogi character 10 years ago! I remember taking soooo long painting her. I'm proud of how far I've come!

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