Day 31 and is done! 😱
I hope you all had fun, now it’s time for me to run.

I hope you all enjoyed MicroMay with me!💙
Here’s a smattering of TMNT art, including Mikey introducing some Foot Ninja to some ninja foot! 😉

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Bonus Day 30 upload! Le Gasp! 😱
Here’s the Full sketch page of Robbie to show you how I sketch things typically, and a few close-ups of some more...”private” viewings~😘 Enjoy!

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And today, on I'm super happy to share the newest commission featuring and I Dynamaxing our Pokémon!

...except it doesn't quite go as planned...

Artist: Jav


4 19

It’s Day 20, time for paws aplenty!

Here’s moar big ol paws for your grand applause~💙
Get outta their way, cause today is THEIR day!

Also break out the gin, cause I’m rhyming again~🤣

7 46

Looks like Peaches probably shouldn't tweet where they're going skydiving; otherwise enormous wuffs like Tara might stop by to provide an alternative landing strip without asking...

Tara + Gift :
Peaches :

Art by

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Day 16

Never ride public transit, especially when a bighorn ram decides he wants a treat! My very rarely used Bighorn Sheep OC treating himself to a little snack, sucking on a bus of micros like it’s a Pocky stick.

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Day 14

I’ve run out of rhymes because I don’t wanna rhyme the next several days all ending in “teen”. But still, it haunts me that I....oh wait... Is it Ooh shiii...!

In-shoe piece for y’alls! Enjoy💙

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So it's right? :3

39 204

Is it or Either way, Xenon’s got ya covered.

Gotta love being both smol and big when the need arises :3

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Just a 'small' contribution to but maybe there is more to come this month. If not, then there's still maybe? (or literally every other month ;D) :P

Made by ! Thank you again :3

1 7

Summer heat waves can be taur-turous - even moreso to loomy lads like . Even though he's trot-stuff, the weather gives him paws. Thankfully a nice fall to lounge provides some taur-iffic waterworks.


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And done~
BeheMechaMicroMacroMaythe4th [I've done it before 4th tho lol]
Back to sketch >w>!

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