(2/2) i feel like silence could be kind of eerily scary too (eerie silence aspect = unease) or how being devoid of sound in extremities could be maddening. what if cora’s fruit awakening is similar to that? reigning over the extremities of silence? Idk i’d love to explore it more

23 459

Stars in heaven, echoing insanity, crackling skies, tormenting life with riddles, maddening to the core... Words unfathomable, yet close to comprehension... I must hear more...

Is this what they call the Echoing Nightmare...?

2 5

Sleep Paralysis

"Paralyzed, he felt the crushing weight of invisible demons upon his chest, their laughter echoing in the caverns of his mind as his reality splintered, and the boundaries between the waking world and the realm of nightmares blurred into a maddening dance."

14 144

bro is experiencing maddening horrors

17 129

He is simply sitting with his eyes mostly closed, lost in thought. Listening to the maddening ticking of his pocket watch. To him it was comforting.

6 35

Best ship ever dont @ me
& were meant for eachother but I do wish they expanded on knighthood as well in their supports. Aside from that this is my all time favorite and I wish all a very good day because I went through maddening and back to get this.

0 0

🦑In unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums & the thin, monotonous flutes; slowly dance, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul & messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep🎨Joao Neto🦑#HPLovecraft

57 230

This from looks particularly vile.

If the Spawn of are the warriors then the are the scholar-sorcerers lurking the halls of

They continue to add chapters to the dreaded, sought-after, and most maddening

6 29

Dangerous March Towards Sanity: Part III of III

Three part march to maddening sanity, 1/1


0 4

regect humanity, becom vtuber sdjdhs. Solo learning live 2d is maddening though

0 1

Top 20 C64 Ocean Games – No.5

Head Over Heels

Arguably the finest isometric arcade adventure of the 80s, Head Over Heels gained an enormous 98% ZZAP! Gold Medal in the summer of 1987. Maddeningly addictive, brilliantly original & chock-full of absorbing gameplay, it's superb.

17 262

💥 AVAXC#31424 sold for 0.10 $avax

"I have a teal pink 4 from the It's so mercurial. It changes shape, color and sound. Nothing is ever the same twice.

0 0

sorry on the topic of personality types every time i want to recommend a series to you for one character they are also an entp and for some reason its maddening thats all

0 1

"It is in dreams that I have known the real clutch of stark, hideous, maddening, paralysing fear... I don't have such dreams now - but the memory of them will never leave me." - H.P. Lovecraft

🎨 by Zdzisław Beksiński

15 59


0 1

THANK YOU guys for coming to the final engage stream!! ... for now... I had SO MUCH FUN!! one of my top fire emblems for sure! i can't wait to go back and play it again on maddening! thank you for the amazing gift!! a great way to end the saga! 🔥🔱

0 7

I AM IRON MAN out this April.

Set during ARCHIE GOODWIN's era of IM comics, Iron Man finds himself at the bottom of the ocean. It's dark down there, the pressure is maddening and giant sharp teeth stalk the shadows. How will Iron Man survive when nature itself wants him dead?

16 61

LRT: everything Emily Carroll makes fills me with burning envy. I know I'm a good writer, but that kind of visceral, poetic storytelling will always be beyond me. She's maddeningly talented.

8 25

So today is I like focusing on queer, maddening, cryptid and yet lovable characters and covers!

23 71