should make a Mad Eye Moody True Detective type series! Cast some hot young actor, have it before he got all oogly eyed and have everybody on the edge of their seats going “okay when’s he getting gross?!” The highest of cinematic stakes!

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"'I don't show favouritism, me. I'm just going to give you some good, general advice. And the first bit is - play to your strength.'
'I haven't got any,' said Harry, before he could stop himself'"
— JKR (GF20)

by Makani

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In the movies, why do those kids care when Mad Eye dies? The whole movie where you meet him he’s actually just in a weird magic trunk, then he leaves to do other stuff. Then dies.

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"'I'm not allowed a broom, I've only got my wand-'
'My second piece of general advice,' said Moody loudly, interrupting him, 'is to use a nice, simple spell which will enable you to get what you need.'"
— JKR (GF20)

by Makani

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Day 6: Hogwarts /Mad-Eye Moody

The views from Hogwarts windows are stunning... And perfect places for an ever watchful eye....

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