2/4 of the Spiritfarer x Madcom au!- Deimos' flowers are pincushions!!They represent self love and can also be used to represent unfortunate love! His flowers can change colors as well! Working on Sanford next <3

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1/4 of my Spiritfarer x Madness Combat au because I NEED TO DO THIS. YES IK THEIR ANIMALS I'M DRAWING HIM AS A BADGER AS WELL!!!!! His flower is a Gladiolus for strength. Takes some balls to put up with bringing back Hank sm

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Uh... I just drew the character's eyes close together while doing one sketch.... I liked the way it looked and I wanted to experiment
It looks cursed, but I like it

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In this au phobos is the chief scientist of the nexus and Jesus is the director of the nexus. phobos is not satisfied with this, he kills the leader and then burns everything with a flame

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yassified auditor in the maintag cause its funny ok?
ok. glad we've come to an understanding

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— I almost forgot to post this here-

2 drawings cus i didn't know how to mix em' ♿


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