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Team Magma arrives at the scene 😕 - Gotta catch 'em all!

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New dragon concept for game project, this time it's fire element magma dragon. :)

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【THE FACE 】合体でパワーアップ ! 可変メカ・マグマックス、カッコヨス!!!!MAGMAXよりマグマックスのフェイス。#懐ゲー

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If customization is back, I really hope they let you wear pieces of the Magma/Aqua outfits. How hard would it be?

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Triangular Magma: http://t.co/Vi9R9ezGGY by Leondro Pita

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Artwork de Magno y Aquiles, de los Equipos Magma y Aqua.

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RT for Team Magma, and Fav for Team Aqua.

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Team Aqua icon! Ft. Team Aqua/Magma icons will be $15!

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TEAM MAGMA NERDS see i take breaks from pokemon only long enough to draw pokemon.

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Future cosplays: Magma admin Courtne - Omega Ruby for end of 2015 and Nausicaä of the Valley of the wind, early 2015.

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