Aprićot様 Limith様の
『Magnificus Fabula』のジャケットイラストを担当させていただきました。

是非お聴きくださいませ〜〜!! https://t.co/o4Q5CRrNxh

9 26

Loyalty, courage, greatness.

3 noble pursuits of magnificus.


Remember that you have to be magnificent.


A play on The Mask. mementoMagnificus explores idea that we fiercely protect our true selves whilst desiring freedom.

0.069Ξ Reserve


6 20

Make this quick comic of baby magnificus

9 68

Op deze dag in 1547 werd Ubbo Emmius, geschiedschrijver en eerste rector magnificus van , geboren. Zijn grootste werk was de geschiedenis van de Friezen (Rerum Frisicarum Historia). De huidige studievereniging van de opleiding Geschiedenis is naar hem vernoemd

17 117

cleaned up yves' ( formerly valentine's ) overworld sprites a little bit and added the magic monocle you can pick up at magnificus' magic tower too !!

0 1

Dreamwave Shockwave's cloning lab, in which several G1 repaint characters (Magnificus, Soundblaster, Ricochet, and Twincast) are reimagined as clones created by Shockwave. (2004)

87 811

E-Hobby Magnificus has already been repurposed as SG Percy!

0 0

When I learned that Magnificus was also present in Shattered Glass, I discussed with what he looked like. The candidates are Prototype Percy, cancelled Reflector, G1 toy with Quark color, and Chairman! 😆 https://t.co/tGFdWULWUD

6 13

Shattered Glass Perceptor my ass, that's the Decepticon Magnificus

Shame he doesn't have Gnur as a targetmaster

0 3

cervical vertebra (Cv 13) of Austroposeidon magnificus gen. et sp. nov. (A) In left lateral, (B) right lateral, (C) dorsal and (D) ventral views. Abbreviations: cpol, centropostzygapophyseal lamina; mec, medial crest; pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal; podl, postzygodiapophyseal

0 0

I miss drawing p03 in maid outfits im gonna put magnificus in one later

0 3

First Sign of SG Perceptor / Magnificus Toy Coming https://t.co/e8opnf7tGS

7 52

sketch of magnificus about to challenge the larger haughtoni

56 282

Some https://t.co/hdqN3lBXDy doodles that happened with

The guy in the green a joke fusion character of lonely wizard and Magnificus

1 11

What better way to end the day than with the most magical Scrybe, Magnificus? So happy to see all the (well-deserved!!) praise for Inscryption 😊

19 104

gosh I love this game so much
I probably drew them before the old_data?? I really want to see everyone happy and friendly (although you can't tell from P03 🤨)

32 163