In a previous adventure, the party of Magsidium found themselves in a Time altering dungeon and guess who got to meet an alternate version of herself! It was like long lost sisters reuniting 💕

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Another drawing I did while camping for Magsidium!

Turns out our friend who plays the Warlock archer Adelaide is also fairly skilled with Rock Skipping! Everyon loves a Queen 💜🏹

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I'm alive I swear!!!

I just got back from a camping trip with friends and had Zer0 service 😨

But while I was out there I was inspired to draw Magsiduim going camping and I love them so much!

Here's Camp Ranger Althaea with her familiar!

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Finally finished them!!

I present to you a full line up of Magsidium!!! (Our DnD party!)

It's been so much fun playing with my friends and it's been even more fun as we go though letting our gorgeous colors shine!

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