Decided to draw 's
She was really fun to draw. definitely like the design of her as well

I don't usually draw .exe's(mainly Pokémon) but this was my 1st shot at it

3 31

Dropping this and then going back to doodles and rambling
Anyways here’s Madilyn

Don’t make me limit comments again

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Look who’s reference got remade
So if y’all want to draw her use this one and not the old one
Also yes this is a redraw of my very first pic of her

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EXE’s ALT Outfits

Theme - Dragon Ball Heroes

D3term1ned - (Cumba)
XKira - (Dark King Machikabura)
Madilyn - (Supreme Kai of Time: Power of Time Unleashed)

9 34

Malware has a human form now
And I’m gonna call her Madilyn

I’m very attached to her so if ya draw her tag me please please please 🙏

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This is Malware.SQL
Some random exe I made today and doodled on paper

I hope y’all like her 😋

If you draw her tag me please!

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