time for his maman!! her name’s yvain, and she’s a Very excellent parent <333
It's Rin's birthday today. Let's not forget about Sachiko's own Maman!
Here's a page from Chapter 2, minus its dialogue so we can enjoy this moment~
@_m_a_m_a_n_ Hello maman! We can for sure work something in the vibe! DMed 😊📩📩⤵️
Pssst, wanna know a secret?
I decided to share a sketch featuring my mum because this week is going to be her birthday!
🎂Joyeux anniversaire (en avance) maman!🎂
#mum #firefigther #pompier #birthday
papa, maman!
궁합도 보지 않는다는 나이차의 부부. 같은 곳에서 일하고 있다.
둘 다 워커홀릭에 가까움.
첫째인 시론이 아빠를, 둘째이자 막내인 니아가 엄마를 닮았다.