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Mandy drew baby smoliv for me 🥺🥺🥺😭

565 3841

German Soldier in Normandy...

27 142

I lied, I was drawing Totally Spies. Here’s the flat colors. I got the names of Clover & Sam mixed up cause of their suit colors, also that Mandy was called Mindy. Alex is Alex. Who’s your fav?

346 2167

Mandy drew surgeon smoliv.....🌿

9 55


0 2

Patreon Reward for of their OC, Mandy Armstrong

19 120

Commission work

3 48

A Wehrmacht Motorcycle Rider in Normandy

225 1340

“The little Candy” Aaaa !!! Hope you like my little parody💖🥹

40 209

Hay una frase que suena como "stupid gringo" en Mandy, no se si soy el unico que lo escucha

1 1

Bluey x The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

Lila and her Brother making face expressions from the show

Lila’s Brother doing Billy

And Lila is doing Mandy.

16 58

More Pride Icons! 🌈 (You can use them)

Fang: Gender fluid
Janet: Bisexual
Chester: Gay
Mandy: AroAce

I may make requests with more Headcanons, so comment one and I can do it :D💙

128 1013

Chester and mandy loves uni shirt

37 172

matthew mcconaughey as the mad hatter, elegant, digital painting, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, from starcraft by ruan jia and mandy jurgens and artgerm and william - adolphe bouguerea

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