Update: Volume 20

Valentine is so terrifyingly powerful holy shitsnacks o__o
This beautiful awful man used a 14yo girl as a meat shield and seems to literally have the Universe on his side, where tf do I line up to suck his cock?? 🥵💦💦💦

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Update: Lucy vs Valentine 😩👌

Oh gosh. Funny Valentine might maybe have just become my favorite Last Boss.
This arc is exciting af. He is so wonderfully fleshed out as a character. I love him 💕
He's so fun!
Hang in there Lucy! 🥺

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Things are going better with this arc the 2nd time around.

I love Anasui, he's such a dick just to be a dick

"Are you hurt? Good, it's your own fault, get fucked, I'm outta here"
I'm crying 😂

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