manomanodayooのオリジナルアイテム通販 ∞ SUZURI(スズリ)


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manomanodayooのオリジナルアイテム通販 ∞ SUZURI(スズリ)


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Felicitaciones a los José en su día ☺️.

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Hello my name is MANOdeMARINA and I'm currently looking for a job.
I have experience in costume design, illustration and concept- more samples and CV on my website.

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¡Alola! Me etiquetó Amysamanodensetsu
Soy Shishin, el conejo dibujante(?) me gusta crear miles de OC y contar historias llenas de colores y kawaiines(?) LavoLuda, Bunny Punny y el Leiraverse son algunas de mis obras, salu2 🐇👀✨👽

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a warm sunny spring
There's a cold wind, but I hope spring comes in my life
Let's go one step at a time.

따스한 햇빛이 내리쬐는 봄
찬 바람이 불지만 인생에도 봄날이 오기를 바라며
한걸음 한 걸음씩 나아가자.

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[The sock girl]
A pretty girl is waiting for Santa Claus. What kind of presents will I get next Christmas?

귀여운소녀가 산타할아버지를 기다리고있어요. 이번 크리스마스때 어떤 선물을 받게될까요?

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Dibujo pa vs random (se me ocurrio hacerlo de la nada lol)

Se q el mono azul no tiene manod, pero se las hize asi pq se notaba mejor el gesto que hace


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[마음과 그림이야기]

상처받았던 나 라는 주제로
11.10 Am11:00-Pm12:00 까지
2번째 밋업을 진행하였습니다 😍

2번째 밋업에선 소통하면서 실시간으로 그림을 그렸는데요, 저녁메뉴라는 주제로 그림을 그리면서 삼겹살과 소주를 그렸습니다 🤣🤣

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Finished this up - I might make prints of this. Leave a comment of you’re interested.
Also, selling the original art for this, if you’re interested

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New author photo.
Can you tell I’m a big Spider-Man fan?

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5. Pritte sorprendida??? Jkjajaja meduelelamanodetantodibujo-

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The view of the Rhynie Chert was largely inspired by one of my favorite paleo artworks, Germanodactylus cristatus by .

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[Noname❤️ 프로젝트]
좋아하는분들과의 소규모 프로젝트
첫번째 주제는 "과일"

내가 제일 좋아하는 과일이 레몬🍋

여름이 다가오기도하고 ~ 시원한
바닷가 근처에 거니는 소녀를 그리고싶어서 레몬을 의인화 해서 그린그림.

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When you stare at the pond, It makes me feel comfortable I wish our relationship would be this comfortable

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四コマ映画『ロスト・ドーター 』→

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