Selfishness leads to self-destruction.
Help others as you want to be helped.

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Writing while detained on the brilliant has won the Victoria Prize for Literature for In 2017 he collaborated with PositiveNegatives, via whatsapp, on a graphic interview 'Until We Are All Free':

5 12

2consecutive NZ Govts have offered Aust. assistance with Manus Is crisis. The result? Veiled threats of diplomatic consequences from Aust. - in today's

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World cartoonists in showing solidarity with refugee

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Weird fish! World cartoonists in showing solidarity with refugee

13 16

Segueix acció solidària d'il·lustradors per dibuixant iranià atrapat a Austràlia li denega l'asil

9 6

for an Iranian asylum seeker/cartoonist who is on hunger strike at Australian detention center

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Dessin de BATTÌ vice-président de FranceCartoons en soutien de

5 5

Join campaign to call for asylum for award-winning cartoonist - now on hunger strike on

14 15