Day 30: Ghosts

When someone dies, they’re never really gone.

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Day 27: Protecting

Ya know, for all that Mao Mao does for them, the sweetypies are pretty ungrateful.

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Day 22: Run

Pretty self-explanatory. All I have to add is that Bao Bao is a little shit. He cost Mao Mao a body part and would gladly do it again. Nothing but malice behind those beady little eyes.

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Day 21: Best Moment

I must admit, I didn’t like Adorabat all that much in the beginning but she’s grown on me. Definitely a real one ✊

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Day 20: Ep that made you laugh

Definitely had to go to “Sick Mao”, my 2nd fav episode.
I didn’t feel like drawing the fountain so have this shoddy attempt at water instead

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Day 19: OC With Character(s)

Cool, now I’m legally allowed to add some self-indulgent oc interactions.
For context: Ruddy used to be Mao Mao’s old apprentice, albeit for a short while.

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"Here some Day 2-5"
shiro saiki he's Skylar's older brother he a transgender also skylar got her father eyes and shiro got his mother eyes and well lucky is my least favorite character, I donno he's kinda cute

0 8

I should done this along time but made this started with day 1 is not big deal... Right??

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Day 6- NOTP
If there’s one ship I really don’t like its this one right here 👇

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Day 2- OC

I haven’t talk at all about him so consider this an introduction post. Meet Yako, a tricky fox with shaping abilities who’s considered a bit strange.

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