It's a mythical creature from here (Brazil) that walks in thw Amazon forest. It's a furry giant with an eye in its forehead and a big mouth in its belly.

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Mapinguari, um monstro gigantesco que destroi tudo em seu caminho.
Possuindo apenas um olho, uma enorme boca na barriga e uma força descomunal. Ele facilmente devora suas vítimas arrancando a cabeça. Atacando de dia e tendo as únicas fraquezas o seu umbigo e o medo d preguiças.

1 8

Alguns dos criptídeos que estarão nos pacotes de recompensas desse mês do HORDA MACABRA, meu catarse assinaturas temático de terror!

Apoia lá e garante os seus monstrinhos!


1 9

Airdropping all 11 of the 1of1 Bridge Lore NFTs below, The Mapinguari Bridge is now complete. 🍃🙏🔥
Next up? YOWIES 🌊

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Mapinguari is one of Nov's larger "sisters", with a specialization for clearing heavily vegetated zones. Plus anything else SUPERIOR doesn't want existing anymore.

4 30

The final instalment of the Mapinguari Bridge Lore (10/10) and that which Ya'Chak Shamek has been searching for.

23 41

Successful NFT Projects in 2023 won’t be hype-induced 30-minute-mint-outs.

They’ll be existing projects still building and grinding hence proving their commitment to the space and their overall vision.

Mapinguari Bridge Lore 9/10.

17 34

Aqui no Acre a mais conhecida q tem pro povo de aqui (e creio q o resto do norte já ouviu falar tbm) é o Mapinguari, se n me engano ele era um índio q foi almadiçoado e q agr ele vaga na mata nas caladas da noite pra matar qualquer q ouse desrespeitar os animais e a natureza

0 0

Owojo, o Mapinguari é um colossal titã ciclópico amazônico de pelos vermelhos e com uma enorme boca vertical no meio da barriga. Costuma arrasar acampamentos e aldeias em segundos, sempre deixando um rastro de corpos mutilados pelas matas. +

7 39

O Mapinguari 🌱👁️🌳

1 2

Now finished the Ñepu/Mapinguarí Sloth and the Nahuel Smilodon, Clip studio paint!!!

2 7

Joining most Discords:

Joining TAB Discord:
“🇦🇺Join The Yowies mate, have a🍺”
“Join the Sasquatches bro 😎”
“👋Lyk omg join the Mapinguari🌈”

17 39

Been fiddling around with adding Mapinguari as a friend/foe to the story too, apparently there's reason to believe that these myths came from ancient people seeing giant ground sloths back in the day 👀

7 47

The next 4 TABs mints have a 1/5 chance to win an 1of1, a 1/300 chance to win a 1of1 with rare Utility and if you own a then for the next 12hours you’ll be put into a raffle to win 8 valuable

What’re you waiting for?

23 37

A mythological creature from the Amazonas.
One of its origins says that it was originally a shaman that got transformed into this monster after discovering the secret of immortality, others say that its a jungle spirit that protects nature.

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